Silica Sand Extraction Project
On November 15, 2021, the Minister of Conservation and Climate (now Environment, Climate and Parks) asked the Clean Environment Commission to undertake a technical review and a public hearing regarding the CANWhite Sands Corporation Environment Act project proposal for the sequential installation, operation and decommissioning of silica sand extraction wells to remove water and silica sand from groundwater at various locations on private land within the Rural Municipality of Springfield.
Terms of Reference
A link to the terms of reference can be found below. Further details regarding the review and the hearing will be posted as they become available.
Background Information
Panel Members
Laurie Streich (Commissioner)
Laurie Streich began her career as a reporter with the Winnipeg Free Press. She joined the Manitoba government in 1981 and has served as Manager and Chief Editor for the State of Environment reporting program, Director of the Pollution Prevention Branch and Chair of the grant review committee for the Sustainable Development Innovations Fund and the Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment’s (CCME) Pollution Prevention Awards Program. She was a member of the City of Winnipeg’s advisory group to improve waste management and recycling services. Laurie retired from the government in 2015.
Ian Gillies (Commissioner)
Ian Gillies worked at Cargill Limited from 1984 to 2013 in several capacities including AVP of Human Resources, Integration Manager for a major acquisition, Director of Operations for the Calgary Inland Grain Terminal and as Manager of Corporate Affairs. He also served as a Senior Management Consultant at KPMG and worked for the Government of Canada as a Policy Advisor to the Federal Economic Development Coordinator in Manitoba. Mr. Gillies currently serves on several not for profit and private sector boards in Manitoba. Ian is a graduate of the Master of Natural Resource Management program at the University of Manitoba and also served as an Assistant professor at the Natural Resource Institute. Ian was born and raised in Winnipeg.
Terry Johnson (Commissioner)
Terry Johnson graduated from Red River College as an electrical technologist and worked for Manitoba Hydro for over 13 years. Terry and his wife then moved back to the family farm in the Elkhorn area and farmed for over 23 years. After selling most of their farm they moved to Virden, where they now live. Mr. Johnson then worked for the Virden Credit Union for over five years while being was semi-retired. During this time he served as councilor for the RM of Archie and as Reeve and later, for the town of Virden as councilor and Deputy Mayor. Terry has had the rare privilege of serving on a number of municipal, provincial and federal boards and local community organizations. Spare time is spent travelling and part time farming.
Jay Doering (Chair)
Dr. John (Jay) Doering currently works as the Associate Vice-President (Partnerships) at the University of Manitoba. He previously served as the Vice-Provost (Graduate Education) and Dean of Graduate Studies at the University of Manitoba. Dr. Doering is a professor of civil engineering and a registered professional engineer with 30 years of experience practicing in the area of water resources engineering. He has published approximately 100 articles in refereed journals, conferences, and technical reports, and has edited technical conference proceedings. In 2002 he was awarded the Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal for Public Service and in 2016 he was awarded the Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba, Technical Excellence Award. He has been elected twice to serve on Council for Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba. In 2017 he was elected a Fellow of The Canadian Academy of Engineering and in 2021 was awarded the Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba, Outstanding Service Award.
Public Sessions
Below is the tentative schedule for the Silica Sand Extraction Project hearing. All dates and times are subject to change. Community sessions will take place the evenings of March 6 in Steinbach and March 13 in Beausejour as well as all day on March 11 in Anola. Agendas for each session will be posted as they become available.
Become a Presenter
The evening and March 11 sessions are reserved for public presentations. If you, your group or organization is interested in making a presentation at one of these hearing sessions, please register at least seven (7) days before the session. All presentations are limited to 15 minutes unless prior arrangements have been made with the commission office. Other times may be accommodated by contacting the commission. To register please complete a presenter registration form available below and submit to the commission via email or postal mail.
If you wish to make your presentation in French or an Indigenous language, please let us know at least seven (7) days ahead.
Guidelines for presenters will be available shortly.
You may also make a written submission. Although written submissions were asked for by February 13, 2023, we will continue to accept submissions until the record of the hearing is closed shortly after the conclusion of the hearings on March 24, 2023. Submissions can be sent to cec@gov.mb.ca or by postal mail.
Become a Participant
The hearing Panel is accepting applications for Participants until January 30th (four weeks before the commencement of the hearings as per the Hearing Directive). If you want the ability to question the proponent, provide expert evidence or bring your own expert opinion please apply to be a participant. A link to the participant application form can be found below. Completed applications should be sent to cec@gov.mb.ca. Participants should also become familiar with the associated process documents.
Written Submissions
Final Report
The Minister of Environment and Climate released the final report on the Vivian Sands Extraction Project on June 23, 2023. A limited number of printed copies are available on request.